i learn through failure...
...and I have learned a lot.
At 22 I was divorced, depressed and sitting in a jail cell for a bar fight. This was rock bottom for me. I realized that getting into (and staying in) a toxic relationship had caused the mental and emotional distress that led to me wearing an orange jumpsuit.
So I decided to make a change, to learn, to figure out how to create relationships that were healthy and thriving. I was fortunate to only spend a few nights in jail, but it was plenty to motivate me towards a different path.
As I dove into every esoteric text and personal growth workshop that I could find, what was most powerful for my growth was going to men's groups and witnessing other men share about their experience. I began to see the ways that I was bringing a lot of the toxicity to my romantic relationships.
I soon began leading men's groups and started my path to doing deeper work with the men who showed up. Almost 15 years later, I'm honored to help other men along the path to creating healthy thriving relationships.
While this was once a full-time job for me, these days it is just part of being a man, a mentor and a friend.