My Lover Likes to Change Her Clothes

My lover likes to change her clothes
Sometimes a dark evening gown
Other times, a frumpy sweater
Somehow, always more beautiful
Sometimes she wears a disguise
But she cannot hide for long
I know my love
Sometimes she wears blond hair
Other times brunette
Then black like silk
Then brown curls like the ocean
Sometimes dark skin
Then fair
Sometimes short
Then tall
But I always know my love
She is God wearing different clothes
I have always loved her
Even before I first saw her
There were times
When I doubted her love for me
Like doubting the sun on a cloudy day
Or in the dark of night
She is always shining
Even if there are clouds in the way
Or a planet between us
Even now
I feel her inside me
My lover is God, wearing different clothes
I used to think I loved the clothes
Rather than the lover
I would marvel at the beauty
Trace every seam
Caress every hem
But inevitably
I would stumble over the long trail of the dress
Or get tangled in the delicate strings
The rough edges would chafe were I held her close
I would get frustrated with the outfit
That it was not the clothes, but the clothed
Who I truly love
My lover is God, wearing different clothes
*Inspired by Ram Das "See everyone as God in drag"